Restoration Vision

‘Ki te tohu, ki te tiaki, whakaatahua ake, I tenei whenua tuku iho, mai o matou tupuna’
‘To enhance, preserve and share a unique natural habitat entrusted to us by our forbearers’
The Tangikaroro Park Project is about protecting and restoring the Mana and Mauri of the rare Geophysical and Ecological setting that comprises Tangikaroro Park, or, as it has also been known in terms of its wider area, Te Kiwikiwi. The primary mode for achieving this is through the creation of a ‘Mainland Island Sanctuary’ that can sustain locally threatened indigenous species, and provide a fully protected area for the reintroduction of rare and endangered plant and other species, such as the Ngutukaka (Kaka beak Clianthus Puniceus), Kiwi and Tuatara, Hochstetter’s frog and the like.
In a wider context, the Tangikaroro Park Restoration Project is also part of a broad-based sustainable development program encompassing a suite of initiatives, including
-The development of a live-in education facility, providing for both schools and curriculum studies, and for graduate students who may be engaged in regional and nation-wide research programs.
-Establishment of a sustainable energy program that can provide a fully self-sufficient system for the education and visitor centres, the Papakainga, and that can also feed surplus energy back into the National Power Grid and / or to the local Awatere Marae or neighbouring settlements.
- The Establishment of Honey Bee Research and Education for all ages.
The establishment of a series of successful and innovative partnerships, supporting sustainable development and indigenous restoration programs in the Northern Tairawhiti Region.